International Wellness Team

Health Evaluation

Have access to over 40 integrative health practitioners working to serve you to achieve your greatest outcomes.

This virtual appointment will last approximately one hour.

We will go through a thorough health history evaluation, your goals, blood chemistry, supplements, medications and scans. Whatever is pertinent to your need.

Our team will be available for FREE ongoing support as you begin your healing journey, with follow up sessions offered as needed at a rate of $200 per hour.

Our team is able to help with:

  • Reversing chronic pain

  • Eliminating chronic disease

  • Answering questions you have not had answered by your physician

  • Reverse chronic fatigue

  • Improve thyroid disorders naturally

  • Reverse bone loss

  • Fat loss

  • Prevent neurological decline

  • Improve athletic performance

  • Put viral activation/detox into remission

  • Heal from chronic stress

  • Mental health concerns

  • Balancing blood chemistry naturally

  • Hospital advocacy and safe discharge

    We are specialists in the symptoms your physician has been unable to be successful with. Please email any questions you have to .

    Once registered, we will send you health paperwork to complete and set up your personalized zoom link for a recorded call and plan.

    SOLUTIONS ARE GUARANTEED or your money back!!!

Click here to meet some of our International Practitioners and learn how our program was created to support you!